
A Maokong Gondola Guide

The one-way ride from Taipei Zoo to Maokong Station costs TWD 120. If you only ride one stop (for example Taipei Zoo to Taipei Zoo South), that ... Maokong Gondola Essential Info · Opening Times · Thing to Do at the 4 Maokong...


Fares ; Taipei Zoo South Station, 70 ; Taipei Zoo Station, 70, 100 ; EASYCARD holders receive a NT$20 discount on weekdays (no discount on holidays ...

Maokong Gondola

Using Maokong Gondola to Travel Around Taipei Zoo · Relax on the Sky Trail · The natural wonder of potholes · One heart two leaves imagery tour · Forest bathing ... Taipei Zoo Station · About Gondola · Routes and System · Maokong Tour

Maokong Gondola

評分 4.5 (4,657) Arriving by metro at Taipei Zoo stop, you proceed on foot for 5 minutes and arrive at the Maokong Gondola. Tickets can only be purchased by paying cash, you go ...

Maokong Gondola One

評分 4.9 (4,049) The combo ticket combines the Maokong Gondola with the Zoo Tourist Train, and is specially designed to provide a fun experience for both children and parents.

Maokong Gondola Ticket in Taipei

評分 4.7 (9,600) The gondola system takes you on a scenic ride, starting from the Taipei Zoo Station and ascending to the picturesque Maokong area.

Maokong Gondola

The gondola ride includes four stops, namely the Taipei Zoo Station, Taipei Zoo South Station, Zhinan Temple Station, and the Maokong Station.

Maokong Gondola 貓空纜車- Foreigners in Taiwan

Price: 120 NT per person one way from Taipei Zoo Station to Maokong Station. 50 NT per trip for Taipei City residents.

Suggested Itinerary

After visiting the zoo, we recommend you take the Maokong Gondola????to explore Maokong's????rich culture and ecological landscape! Half Day · Kids · Seniors

What to do in Taipei

We recommend killing two birds with one stone and visiting the Taipei Zoo and taking the Maokong Gondola up to Maokong Tea Village!


Theone-wayridefromTaipeiZootoMaokongStationcostsTWD120.Ifyouonlyrideonestop(forexampleTaipeiZootoTaipeiZooSouth),that ...MaokongGondolaEssentialInfo·OpeningTimes·ThingtoDoatthe4Maokong...,Fares;TaipeiZooSouthStation,70;TaipeiZooStation,70,100;EASYCARDholdersreceiveaNT$20discountonweekdays(nodiscountonholidays ...,UsingMaokongGondolatoTravelAroundTaipeiZoo·RelaxontheSkyTrail·Thenaturalwonderofp...